Thursday, 9 June 2011

Final Idea

These are images of my final ideas. I like the outcomes, but feel if I had thought of this idea sooner, I would have been able to develop it further and improve it in order to achieve the full potential of this project.


These are my collections of collages, using old drawings my siblings and I did when we were younger, photographs and me and my mum and sister, letters I have received over the years, photographs I have edited over the course of this project and photographs of me and my sister.


I have tried some different techniques and found I like working with silhouettes. I have tried making silhouettes out of newspaper and screen printing. I would like to try working with collages and silhouettes together, as I mentioned working with collages in my statement of intent, and think the two could work well together.

Some ideas

These were my initial ideas for my final pieces. I like the images, but felt that I could develop them further, and experiment with some different ideas.


I wanted to look at typography relating to my own childhood, from music, films and foods I remember enjoying. I found old logos, and developed my own typefaces from these and also found some typefaces on, and

Monday, 16 May 2011

What People Used To Say When They Were Little

"Duck" - Me
"I've found a coat-hanger" - Me
"Barbits" - Me
"What's it like to be you?" - Me and Sister
"Girl Power!" - Me and Sister
"Put her in the bagset" - Sister
"I'll be Bambi" - Sister
"Emmy do it" - Sister
"No, no, do it like this" - Sister (to me)
"Reading time" - Me, Sister and Brother
"Frere" - Brother
"Bra bra" - Mum
"Rap rap" - Mum
"Look at my face" - Mum (to me)
"Kiss me honey honey" - Mum (to me)
"What a do ee wants now" - Auntie


From the research and development I have completed, I would like to create some images, encorporating typography that is relevant to my own childhood. For example, I could look at the typography from the titles of films I used to watch, music I used to listen to, games I used to play and the logos from food I used to like when I was younger. I could then use some of these styles of typography on top of my images from my childhood. For the typography itself, I thought I could experiment using words or phrases my family and I used to say when we were little.